Starting from v5.17.0, the server-based (on-premises) package is shipped with all the Supported languages built-in. For more convenience, the most popular languages are provided in the enabled by default state. The rest ones are in the disabled/inactive state. 

It is very easy to activate the disabled language. To do so, please follow the steps below. The same procedure can be used for disabling unnecessary languages.

If you use the version before v5.17.0 and you need a language that is not available in your package, the only option to proceed is to upgrade to the latest available version. Custom builds are no longer provided.

1. Locate and open the AppServerX.xml configuration file for editing. By default, the file is located in: <Installation_Path>/AppServer/AppServerX.xml.

Before making any changes to the AppServerX.xml file, it is recommended to stop AppServer.

2. Find a block with the needed language by language name or its short code. For example, the Czech language:

<Language Id="cs_CZ" Enabled="false">
	<!-- Czech (Czech Republic) -->

3. Change the value for Enabled state from false to true

4. Save the updated version of the AppServerX.xml file and start AppServer to apply changes.

5. You can validate the list of the enabled languages using get_info API command. For example: https://localhost/wscservice/api?cmd=get_info

If you run WebSpellChecker on Docker, you can create an updated image from a modified Docker container to use it further.

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