By default, the settings dialog of SCAYT product is not enabled in the standard integration of SCAYT plugin for Froala Editor. However, you can configure it manually and add Settings action item to the context menu.

1. How to Add Settings to SCAYT Context Menu

In order to enable a particular action item in the context menu, you need to use the actionItems option. Check the full list of options and methods available on the API page.

  • Pass 'settings' as one of the array items for actionItems as in the example below.
actionItems: ‘suggest|moresuggest|settings’,

Here you may find an example of the SCAYT plugin initialization for Froala Editor with enabled Settings.

   scaytAutoload: true,
   pluginsEnabled: [‘spellChecker’],
   toolbarButtons: [‘bold’, ‘italic’, ‘spellChecker’, ‘|', ‘undo’, ‘redo’],
   toolbarButtonsMD: null,
   toolbarButtonsSM: null,
   toolbarButtonsXS: null,
   scaytOptions: {
       enableOnTouchDevices: false,
       extraModules: ‘ui’,
       spellcheckLang: ‘en_US’,
       actionItems: ‘suggest|moresuggest|settings’,
       serviceProtocol: ‘http(s)’,
       servicePort: ‘your_port_number’
       contextMenuForMisspelledOnly: true,
       scriptPath: ’https://your_host_name/spellcheck/wscbundle/wscbundle.js'

2. Adjust SCAYT Plugin Styles

Since the settings' dialog is not enabled by default, the CSS styles that are used with context menu won't be applied to the settings. Thus, it is recommended to comment or remove the custom CSS styles and use native styles of SCAYT for both context menu and settings dialog. 

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />

With release 5.2.0, the integration of SCAYT for Froala Editor switched to a new core of WebSpellChecker Proofreader with new modern UI. These is the view of the settings dialog in WebSpellChecker Proofreader.

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