1. How to migrate from SCAYT 2 to SCAYT 3 plugin for CKEditor
SCAYT 2 product was used on the old versions of CKEditor 4.3.3 and less. The new version of the SCAYT 3 product was launched starting CKEditor 4.4+.
1. Upgrade the version of the CKEditor editor to the latest one available (or at least to the version 4.4+). The latest version of CKEditor plugin can be downloaded from CKEditor website.
2. Specify your encrypted customer ID for the paid SCAYT service in the CKEditor config.js file using the scayt_customerid parameter:
config.scayt_customerid = 'encrypted-customer-ID';
You can find your long encrypted customer ID in your previous configuration or you may download it from your account page on the webspellchecker.net website. Login using your Customer ID and password. Then click Download Configuration file.
You can find more information about SCAYT 3 parameters for CKEditor here.
2. How to migrate from SCAYT 2 to SCAYT 3 plugin for TinyMCE
Before to proceed with the migration steps, you need to define the exact version of the TinyMCE editor:
- Go to Development tools (e.g. F12 in Chrome).
- Choose the Console tab.
- Write after ”>”: tinymce.majorVersion + '.'+ tinymce.minorVersion;
- Click Enter to see the version of the TinyMCE editor.
Depending on the version of TinyMCE editor, please follow the next instructions below:
TinyMCE 3.0 and less
- Upgrade the version of the TinyMCE editor to the latest one available (or at least to the version 4.0+). The latest version of TinyMCE (4.6.4) can be downloaded from the TinyMCE website.
- Download SCAYT 3 plugin for TinyMCE.
- Unpack the downloaded ZIP archive with the SCAYT plugin.
- Copy the extracted SCAYT folder to the TinyMCE 4 plugins directory (by default: tinymce4\js\tinymce\plugins\). Important: The folder name must be “scayt”.
- Go further with instructions for TinyMCE 4+.
TinyMCE 4.0+
Edit your HTML page that contains TinyMCE as shown below.<script src="/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.min.js"></script>
selector: "textarea#myEditor",
theme: "modern",
language: "en",
plugins: [ "scayt link image table contextmenu" ],
toolbar: "scayt undo redo | bold italic | alignleft" +
"aligncenter alignright alignjustify |" +
"bullist numlist | link image",
/* SCAYT Parameters */
scayt_autoStartup: true,
scayt_customerId: "encrypted-customer-ID",
scayt_contextMenuItemsOrder: "control,moresuggest,suggest",
scayt_maxSuggestions: 6,
scayt_minWordLength: 4,
scayt_slang: "en_US",
scayt_uiTabs: "1,1,1",
scayt_context_mode: "default",
scayt_elementsToIgnore: "del,pre",
class_filter : function(cls, rule) {
return cls == 'scayt-ignore' ? false : cls;
You can find your long encrypted customer ID in your previous configuration or you may download it from your account page on the webspellchecker.net website. Login using your Customer ID and password. Then click Download Configuration file.
You can find more information about available parameters on the SCAYT plugin for TinyMCE 4.0+ demo page.
3. How to migrate from SCAYT 2 to SCAYT 3 for Editable Controls
1. Change the SCAYT application URL:
First of all, you need to add a script on your page and define a path to the SCAYT application.<script type="text/javascript" src="https://svc.webspellchecker.net/spellcheck31/lf/scayt3/scayt/scayt.js"></script>
2. Update SCAYT initialization in controls. Depending on the type of the controls (HTML elements) where the SCAYT functionality is embedded and used, please update your configuration as follows.
3.1. Contenteditable DIV Element
<div contenteditable sc_dojoType="scayt.ui">
This is an exampl of a sentence with two mispelled words. Just type text with misspelling to see how it works.
Initialize SCAYT functionality in <div> element using either imperative or declarative notation as it is shown in the examples below.<div contenteditable id="container1">
This is an exampl of a sentence with two mispelled words.
Just type text with misspelling to see how it works.
var instance1 = new SCAYT.SCAYT({
container: document.getElementById("container1"),
autoStartup: true,
spellcheckLang: 'en_US',
serviceProtocol: 'https',
serviceHost: 'svc.webspellchecker.net',
servicePort: '443',
servicePath: 'spellcheck31/script/ssrv.cgi',
customerId: 'encrypted-customer-ID'
window.SCAYT_CONFIG = {
spellcheckLang: 'en_US',
serviceProtocol: 'https',
serviceHost: 'svc.webspellchecker.net',
servicePort: '443',
servicePath: 'spellcheck31/script/ssrv.cgi',
customerId: 'encrypted-customer-ID'
<div contenteditable id="container1" data-scayt-autocreate="true">
This is an exampl of a sentence with two mispelled words.
Just type text with misspelling to see how it works.
3.2. Contenteditable IFRAME Element
<iframe sc_dojoType="scayt.ui" src="editable_doc.html">
Initialize SCAYT functionality in <iframe> element using either imperative or declarative notation as it is shown in the examples below.<iframe id="container2" src="editable_doc.html"></iframe>
var iframeInstance;
var iframeElement = document.getElementById("container2");
SCAYT.SCAYT.createScaytControl(iframeElement, {
container: document.getElementById("container1"),
autoStartup: true,
spellcheckLang: 'en_US',
serviceProtocol: 'https',
serviceHost: 'svc.webspellchecker.net',
servicePort: '443',
servicePath: 'spellcheck31/script/ssrv.cgi',
customerId: 'encrypted-customer-ID'
function(instance) {
iframeInstance = instance;
window.SCAYT_CONFIG = {
spellcheckLang: 'en_US',
serviceProtocol: 'https',
serviceHost: 'svc.webspellchecker.net',
servicePort: '443',
servicePath: 'spellcheck31/script/ssrv.cgi',
customerId: 'encrypted-customer-ID'
<iframe id="container2" data-scayt-autocreate="true" src="editable_doc.html"></iframe>
/*Editable_doc.html example: */
<title>SCAYT for Editable Controls</title>
<body contenteditable>This is an exampl of a sentence with two mispelled words. Just type text with misspelling to see how it works.
3.3. Contenteditable INPUT Element
<input name="scayt_input" size="50" sc_dojoType="scayt.Input" lang="<language_short_code>"
value="This is an exampl of a sentence with two mispelled words.">
Initialize SCAYT functionality in <input> element using either imperative or declarative notation as it is shown in the examples below.<input id="container3" type="text" value="This is an exampl of a sentence with two mispelled words.">
var instance3 = new SCAYT.SCAYT({
container: document.getElementById("container3"),
autoStartup: true,
spellcheckLang: 'en_US',
serviceProtocol: 'https',
serviceHost: 'svc.webspellchecker.net',
servicePort: '443',
servicePath: 'spellcheck31/script/ssrv.cgi',
customerId: 'encrypted-customer-ID'
window.SCAYT_CONFIG = {
spellcheckLang: 'en_US',
serviceProtocol: 'https',
serviceHost: 'svc.webspellchecker.net',
servicePort: '443',
servicePath: 'spellcheck31/script/ssrv.cgi',
customerId: 'encrypted-customer-ID'
<input id="container3" data-scayt-autocreate="true" type="text" value="This is an exampl of a sentence with two mispelled words.">
3.4. Contenteditable TEXTAREA Element
<textarea name="scayt_textarea" sc_dojoType="scayt.Textarea" scaytConfig.customDictionaryIds = [1,3001];
lang="<language_short_code>" cols="40" rows="7">
This is an exampl of a sentence with two mispelled words.
Initialize SCAYT functionality in <textarea> element using either imperative or declarative notation as it is shown in the examples below.<textarea id="container4">
This is an exampl of a sentence with two mispelled words.
var instance4 = new SCAYT.SCAYT({
container: document.getElementById("container4"),
autoStartup: true,
spellcheckLang: 'en_US',
serviceProtocol: 'https',
serviceHost: 'svc.webspellchecker.net',
servicePort: '443',
servicePath: 'spellcheck31/script/ssrv.cgi',
customerId: 'encrypted-customer-ID'
window.SCAYT_CONFIG = {
spellcheckLang: 'en_US',
serviceProtocol: 'https',
serviceHost: 'svc.webspellchecker.net',
servicePort: '443',
servicePath: 'spellcheck31/script/ssrv.cgi',
customerId: 'encrypted-customer-ID'
<textarea data-scayt-autocreate="true" id="container4">
This is an exampl of a sentence with two mispelled words.
You can find more information about SCAYT 3 parameters for Editable Controls here.