To bind only static files and the rest of the service requests such as spelling or grammar checking directly connecting with AppServer: 1. Stop Apache Tomcat before modifying the configuration files. 2. Add the following paths to the server.xml file inside the <Host name="localhost" appBase="webapps" unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true"> tag: 3. If you plan to host WebSpellChecker and your web app(s) on different domains, you might face the CORS issues. To avoid this, add the Access-Control-Allow-Headers to enable cross-origin requests to the Apache Tomcat settings. For this you can use CORS filter. 4. Start Apache Tomcat after modifying the configuration files. To deploy wscervice.war on Apache Tomcat for binding static files and all service requests to engines such as spelling or grammar checking: 1. Set and check the WSC_DIR environment variable. It must be pointed to the WebSpellChecker Server installation directory (for example, WSC_DIR=/opt/WSC as in example below): 2. Deploy wscservice.war on your Apache Tomcat Application Server. Note that the wscservice.war file should be unpacked automatically. Otherwise, unpack it manually.Option A: Binding of Static Files and Serving Service Requests by AppServer
<Context docBase="/opt/WSC/WebComponents/WebInterface" path="/wscservice" />
<Context docBase="/opt/WSC/WebComponents/Samples" path="/wscservice/samples" />
Option B: Serving both Static Files and Service Requests by Java Application Server (deployment of wscservice.war)
export WSC_DIR=/opt/WSC
echo @WSC_DIR