Define the required configuration options in WEBSPELLCHECKER_CONFIG.

  • The configuration options can be added as a script directly on the page or loaded from *.js file (e.g. wscbundle_config.js) where you define these options.
  • It can be added to any location on a web page before or after the wscbundle.js script. However, if you add wscbundle.js asynchronously, the configuration options must be loaded before the script.

Required options for the WProofreader Cloud:

  • Specify your serviceId. It is a required option for the service activation.
  • Enable autoSearch functionality using the autoSearch parameter.

This is an example of the defining WEBSPELLCHECKER_CONFIG in a separate script directly on a web page.

		autoSearch: true,
		lang: 'auto', // set the default language
        serviceId: 'your-service-ID' // the activation key for the Cloud-based version

Alternatively, you can create a *.js file (e.g. wscbundle_config.js) with WEBSPELLCHECKER_CONFIG on your end and then load it from the file on your web page as shown in example below.

This is an example of the wscbundle_config.js file with WEBSPELLCHECKER_CONFIG.

	autoSearch: true,
	lang: 'en_US',
    serviceId: 'your-service-ID'

Here is an example of the script that you need to add on your web page with the path to wscbundle_config.js.

<script type="text/javascript" src="[path_to_config]/wscbundle_config.js"></script>

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