The detect_language command is available since the release of WebSpellChecker v5.5.8 in March 2020. It detects the language(s) of a given text. This functionality is built on top of the Compact Language Detector 2 (CLD2) library. It can detect over 80 languages.

Command name: detect_language

#ParameterPossible ValuesDefault ValueDescription
  • json
  • xml
jsonThe response format for output data.
  • plain text

A piece of text which will be sent for language detection. The text has to be in the UTF-8 encoding. Any found tags in the text will be interpreted as plan text as well.

Avoid using # and & symbols in the text.

  • Array of strings, e.g. ["This is a sentence number 1.", "This is a sentence number 2."]

A piece of text separated in tokens that will be sent for check. The text should be presented as an array of strings. Right now each string is a token which equals one sentence.

You can use either tokens or text at a time in a request. However, using text is more common.

  • your-service-id value

A special service ID value (activation key) that has to be passed to a request query. It's obtained upon subscription to the Cloud services (paid or trial).

Applicable only for the Cloud version.

Example 1.1

http(s):// sampl text demonstrates the work of the Web API service.&customerid=[your-service-id]


Request Response:

    "Language": "en_US"