Removing spans:

As for now, you can add some extra code on your side to clean spans. For example, you can use a "removeMarkupFromString" command. 

var wscInstance; // You will be able to call WPRoofreader API using this variable

    onLoad: function(instance) {
        wscInstance = instance; // Here you make WProofreader instance available from your code

So you can do this:

wscInstance.removeMarkupFromString('<p>Example <span class="wsc-spelling-problem" data-spelling-word="texxt" data-wsc-lang="en_US">texxt</span>.</p>'); // It will return'<p>Example texxt.</p>'

Here you can find more information about available Web API commands and how they work. Please note that such implementation should be done on our side and our team can't provide you the specific instructions on how to do it within your support terms.