Let’s say we purchased the license and for some unforeseen reason, the next year it was not renewed. What will be the application behavior? We want  to make sure that the app can gracefully handle an expired license. Our expectation here is that application to work fine without the spellchecker feature.

If you let the license expire, the spelling/grammar checking function will just stop working. If you still have the integration scripts added on the page, those scripts will try to connect to the backend and if there is no response, the requests will fail. 

Technically, there will be the WProofreader badge in disabled state (grayed out) and there will be errors in the browser console and failed requests that normal users will never see. 

The number of attempts to reach the backend is not endless, there will be 5 attempts to send the request. If all fail in a row, the attempts will be stopped.

Thus, if you decide to let the license expire, later you need to remove the integration scripts of WProofreader from the page.