To avoid exposing an additional port, AppServer port 2880, you can configure NGINX reverse proxy

1. Open default site configuration file.

2. Inside server {} block and add the next rule:

location /wscservice/api/ {
	proxy_pass http://your_host:2880;

3. Save file and restart NGINX.

systemctl restart nginx

4. In your browser, check version and status of AppServer to verify if it works properly.

Check the version: https://localhost/wscservice/api?cmd=ver

Check the status: https://localhost/wscservice/api?cmd=status

Or in terminal using wget or curl commands.

Since AppServer responds in json, it's better to use curl as wget will suggest downloading a file.

/opt/WSC# curl https://localhost/wscservice/api?cmd=status --insecure

    "SpellCheckEngine": {
        "active": true
    "GrammarCheckEngine": {
        "active": true
    "ThesaurusEngine": {
        "active": true

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