Autocomplete suggestions automatically complete the user’s thought by suggesting the next word or a short phrase based on the context. 

You must have the Internet connection enabled and have free space available on the disk according to Hardware requirements for v5.7.0+. If these criteria are met, the Autocomplete language models will be downloaded automatically.

Otherwise, the download will fail and you can download the models manually and enable them accordingly.

  1. Contact technical support and request links to download Autocomplete language models.
  2. Download the language models for required languages (e.g. English or German) to the WebSpellChecker\AppServer\grammar\neural\ directory.
  3. Unpack the downloaded models.
tar -xvzf en.tar.gz

      5. Go to AppServerX.xml and navigate to the language tags.

      6. In the case of AI-based English, locate <Language Id="en_AI" Enabled="false"> tag and change the value from false to true. Use a similar approach for other AI-based languages, like German. 

			<Model Enabled="true" Lang="en" ModelName="en" Type="grammar" WarmUpId="en_AI" SessionsNumber="1"/>
			<Model Enabled="true" Lang="de" ModelName="de" Type="grammar" WarmUpId="de_AI" SessionsNumber="1"/>
			<Model Enabled="true" Lang="es" ModelName="de_es" Type="grammar" WarmUpId="es_AI" SessionsNumber="1"/>
			<Model Enabled="true" Lang="en" ModelName="en" Type="autocomplete" WarmUpId="en_AI" ProbabilityThreshold="0.15" MaxInputSize="200" SessionsNumber="1"/>

For the WebSpellChecker version less than 5.26, in point #5 you just need to uncomment the <AutoCompleteCheckProviderOptions>...</AutoCompleteCheckProviderOptions> tag in the AppServerX.xml file. This is relevant for en_AI, en_US, en_GB, en_CA, en_AU, en_NZ, en_ZA languages.

      6. Restart AppServer to apply changes.

If you have trouble with the described steps, it's better to use the automated option while the initial installation when an Internet connection is in place.