With release v5.7.0 we introduced an enhanced AI-based proofreading engine for English. It was built using modern approaches in Natural Language Processing (NLP). Unlike the classical rules or dictionary-based engines, it's based on the huge pre-trained language model. Its accuracy is at least 3 times better.

However, at the same time, there are some cons that should be taken into consideration:

You can give it a try using one of the public demos on our website: https://webspellchecker.com/wsc-proofreader/

If you are using the server-based package of WebSpellChecker v5.7.0 and higher, then you have an AI engine included in the package.

<Language Id="en_AI">
        <Dictionary FullPath="ssceam2.clx" >
        <Dictionary FullPath="ssceam2s.clx">
        <Dictionary FullPath="keywords.clx"></Dictionary>
        <Dictionary FullPath="ssceam.tlx"></Dictionary>

AI-based engine as grammar provider for American English

You can enable an AI-based engine and use it as a grammar provider for one of the existing dialects, e.g. American English.

1. Stop AppServer before making any changes in AppServerX.xml.

2. Go to AppServerX.xml file and open it for editing.

3. Scroll down to the section with language tags. Locate the language tag <Language Id="en_US">...</Language> for American English.

The same approach can be used for any other available dialects of English, e.g. British or Canadian English.

<Language Id="en_US">
        <Dictionary FullPath="ssceam2.clx">
        <Dictionary FullPath="ssceam2s.clx">
        <Dictionary FullPath="sscema2.clx"/>
        <Dictionary FullPath="keywords.clx"/>
        <Dictionary FullPath="ssceam.tlx"/>

4. Add an extra tag, <GrammarCheckProvider>neural</GrammarCheckProvider>, inside the language tag. The value should be neural.

<Language Id="en_US">
    <-- Enabling AI-based engine as a grammar check provider. -->

5. Fix the default value inside <GrammarCheckProviderOptions>...</GrammarCheckProviderOptions> from en-US to en.

<Language Id="en_US">
    <-- Enabling AI-based engine as a grammar check provider. -->

6. Start AppServer to apply changes.