This guide outlines the main steps that you need to integrate and configure the WebSpellChecker (WSC) Dialog plugin for CKEditor 4All the described steps are provided for the Server version of WSC Dialog plugin for CKEditor 4.

1. Initialize CKEditor 4

Before integrating and configuring the WSC Dialog plugin, CKEditor 4 should be properly configured in your web application. If you haven't done it yet, please download the latest version of the CKEditor 4 standard package and refer to CKEditor Quick Start Guide.

2. Activate WSC Dialog Plugin

If you are using the standard package of CKEditor 4, the WSC Dialog plugin is already there which is pointed to the Free services. To accomplish migration to the trial or paid version of WSC Dialog Server, the additional WSC Dialog parameters must be added to the CKEditor config.js file.

2.1. Specify the path to the WSC Dialog script using wsc_customLoaderScript parameter.

config.wsc_customLoaderScript = "http(s)://your_host_name/wscservice/lf/22/js/wsc_fck2plugin.js";

3. Adjust Default Settings

Define additional WSC parameters (e.g. change default language, adjust dialog size, etc.). Refer to a full list of WSC Dialog API parameters and possible values in WSC Dialog Parameters for CKEditor 4.

config.wsc_lang = 'de_DE';
config.wsc_height = 800;
config.wsc_width = 800;

Check a demo page with WSC Dialog Plugin for CKEditor on our website.