This guide outlines the main steps that you need to follow for initializing CKEditor 4 with WProofreader. 

For details on initializing WProofreader, refer to initialization guide.

Step 1. Obtain Service ID

Sign up for the trial or paid version here to get started with WProofreader Cloud. On the subscription, you will receive an email with your service ID and an activation key that is required for the WProofreader service activation. If you already have a service ID, one, you can skip this step.

If you have a Server version of WProofreader, you can skip this step.

Step 2. Initialize CKEditor 4

Before integrating and configuring WProofreader, make sure CKEditor 4 is properly configured in your web application. To initialize CKEditor 4, follow the steps described in the .

Step 3. Initialize WProofreader

Choose one of the options below how to enable spelling and grammar checking functionality of WProofreader in CKEditor 4:

Step 4. Further Actions

After you have initialized WProofreader in Froala Editor, you can customize WProofreader options, its user interface, and behavior.