This guide outlines the main steps that you need to follow in order to integrate and configure WebSpellChecker Proofreader with a new auto-searching functionality. All the described steps are provided for the Cloud version of WebSpellChecker Proofreader.

Good to know:

  • WebSpellChecker Proofreader is a new standalone control based on the SpellCheckAsYouType (SCAYT) product that is used for spell and grammar checking, proofreading as you type.
  • The new autoSearch feature brings awesome capabilities and simplifies the integration of proofreading functionality in web applications. It automatically searches and detects all the editable elements that are present on the page. As soon as an end user sets focus on this editable element or rich text editor (starts typing), WebSpellChecker Proofreader will be enabled.
  • To get started with the trial or paid version of WebSpellChecker Proofreader, it is required to subscribe to the Cloud WebSpellChecker Proofreader services. On the subscription, you will receive an email with your encrypted service ID, an activation key, that is required for the WebSpellChecker Proofreader service activation.

There are two options how you can initialize WebSpellChecker Proofreader in your web app: 

Below you can find a few simple examples demonstrating both approaches.

Option A. Initializing using Variable Config

1. Add WebSpellChecker Proofreader Script

2. Initialize WebSpellChecker Proofreader with 'autoSearch'

Option B. Initializing using Inline Data Attributes

Here is a simple example how you can initialize WebSpellChecker Proofreader using inline data attributes.


Check a demo page with WebSpellChecker Proofreader on our website.