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Version 1

All the available parameters for the WebSpellChecker Server management are listed in a special .xml file called AppServerX.xml file. Below you will find the description of each parameter as well as its default and possible values.

  • Parameters listed below are valid for WebSpellChecker Server starting version 5.0.0.
  • By default, AppServerX.xml file is located in: <WebSpellChecker_Installation_Path>/WSC/AppServer/AppServerX.xml


Description:ServiceName parameter sets the WebSpellChecker service name in the Service Control Manager database (only for Windows).
Parameter type:String
Default value:WSCAppServer
Possible values:Any string value.

Before changing the name of the service, it is required to uninstall the service. Rename and install the service again with a new name.


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UPD | 5.0.0

Description:MaxConnectionThreads parameter defines a maximum number of AppServer connection threads. This is the upper limit on concurrent connections to the server.
Parameter type:Number
Default value:1000
Possible values:


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UPD | 5.0.0

Description:ConnectionThreadPriority parameter sets the priority of the AppServer connection threads.
Parameter type:String
Default value:


Possible values:
  • lowest
  • low
  • normal
  • high
  • highest

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UPD | 5.0.0

Description:WorkerThreads parameter sets the number of worker threads which perform spell and grammar checks, thesaurus work, etc.
Parameter type:Number
Default value:


Possible values:
  • 0 – unlimited of worker threads.

  • Nm is a number of the processor cores * 2.


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AggressiveConserve parameter turns on/off a special mode with aggressive memory conservation. In the turned on mode, the memory will be freed as soon as possible. This parameter is bundled with the PercentLowMemory parameter. In the enabled mode, PercentLowMemory is ignored and the system is always considered to be in the low memory state.

Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:OFF
Possible values:ON, OFF

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PercentLowMem parameter defines a percent of the free physical memory remaining before the system will turn in low memory conditions state.

Parameter type:Number
Default value:5
Possible values:1..100

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Port parameter sets a default port number which will be used by AppServer for serving requests. 

Parameter type:


Default value:


Possible values:

Any available port number.


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 UPD | 5.0.0


QueueSize parameter defines the maximum size of the server socket backlog queue.

Parameter type:Number
Default value:3000
Possible values:

1...Nm, where Nm is a maximum allowed value of socket backlog queue. This maximum value is specific for each type of the operating system.


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UPD | 5.0.0

Description:ClientTimeout parameter sets a timeout value in seconds for spell, grammar, and thesaurus requests made by clients to AppServer.
Parameter type:Number
Default value:60
Possible values:


It is not recommended to set a ClientTimeout value to more than 900 seconds (15 minutes).


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UPD | 5.0.0

Description:ServerTimeout parameter sets a timeout value in seconds for requests made by AppServer to remote servers like user dictionaries server or license servers.
Parameter type:Number
Default value:60
Possible values:


It is not recommended to set ServerTimeout value to more than 900 seconds (15 minutes).


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UPD | 5.0.0

Description:EnableKeepAlive parameter enables a keep alive connection.
Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:true
Possible values:
  • true
  • false

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UPD | 5.0.0

Description:KeepAliveTimeout parameter sets a timeout interval for a keep alive connection.
Parameter type:Number
Default value:10
Possible values:

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UPD | 5.0.0

Description:MaxKeepAliveRequests parameter sets a maximum number of keep-alive requests. 
Parameter type:Number
Default value:0
Possible values:
  • 0 – unlimited number of requests.
  • 1..Nm

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UPD | 5.0.0

Description:EnableSSL parameter defines whether a secure connection should be enabled.
Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:false
Possible values:
  • true
  • false

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NEW | 5.5.3

This parameter can be specified for Windows only.

Description:SSLCertificateSource defines the source of an SSL certificate.
Parameter type:String
Default value:STORE
Possible values:
  • FILE – SSL certificate file.
  • STORE – SSL certificate exported from Windows Certificate Store.

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NEW | 5.5.3

This parameter can be specified for Windows only.

Description:SSLCertificateStoreSettings tag collects the parameters for certificate store settings.
Parameter type:N/A
Default value:N/A
Possible values:N/A



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NEW | 5.5.3

This parameter can be specified for Windows only.


SSLCertificateCommonName parameter defines a fully qualified HostName for which an SSL certificate is issued for. 

If specified, Windows machine certificate store is used. Otherwise, the user's certificate store is used.

Parameter type:String
Default value:N/A
Possible values:

Fully qualified HostName


<SSLCertificateCommonName>Fully qualified HostName</SSLCertificateCommonName>

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NEW | 5.5.3

This parameter can be specified for Windows only.


SSLCertificateStore parameter defines the type of store used for an SSL certificate. According to Microsoft official website System Store Locations article, a system store is a collection that consists of one or more physical sibling stores. For each system store, there are predefined physical sibling stores.

Parameter type:String
Default value:MY
Possible values:
  • MY (Personal), 
  • ROOT (Trusted Root Certification Authorities), 
  • TRUST (Enterprise Trust), 
  • CA (Intermediate Certification Authorities), 
  • USERDS (Active Directory User Object).



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UPD | 5.0.0

Description:TLSVersion parameter sets a specific version of Transport Layer Security (TSL).
Parameter type:String
Default value:TLSV1_2
Possible values:
  • TLSV1
  • TLSV1_1
  • TLSV1_2

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UPD | 5.0.0

Description:SSLCertificateFile parameter specifies a path to an SSL certificate file.
Parameter type:String
Default value:None
Possible values:
  • Linux-based servers: Path to a certificate file in a *.pem format, e.g. “/opt/WSC/AppServer/cert.pem”
  • Windows-based servers: Path to a certain file in a *.pfx format (PKCS #12) containing a certificate and corresponding private key accordingly, e.g. “C:/Program Files/WebSpellChecker/AppServer/certificate.pfx”

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NEW | 5.0.0

Description:SSLCertificateKeyFile parameter specifies a path to a private key file in a *.pem format. This parameter is intended only for Linux-based environments.
Parameter type:String
Default value:None
Possible values:“/opt/WSC/AppServer/key.pem”

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 NEW | 5.3.1

Description:SSLCertificatePassword parameter specifies a pass of SSL certificate. Some of SSL certificates are exported with passwords.
Parameter type:String
Default value:None
Possible values:Any

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NEW | 5.5.3

Description:SSLCertificateAutorityLocation parameter сontains the path to the file or directory containing the CA/root certificates. 
Parameter type:String
Default value:Empty
Possible values:Any

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NEW | 5.5.3

Description:SSLCertificateLoadDefaultCA parameter specifies whether the built-in CA certificates from OpenSSL are used.
Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:false
Possible values:
  • true
  • false

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NEW | 5.4.X

EnableCompression parameter lets you enable or disable compression of outbound traffic (responses) from WebSpellChecker.
Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:true
Possible values:
  • true for enabling compression
  • false for disabling compression

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NEW | 5.4.X

MinSizeThreshold specifies a minimum number of bytes of request’s body to be compressed. Any requests that are lower than this particular number (i.e. 150 bytes) are not compressed.
Parameter type:Number
Default value:150
Possible values:

0 to any meaningful number.

Possible value of this parameter depends on desired RAM usage.

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NEW | 5.4.X


CompressionLevel parameter specifies how strong the compression level should be.

For example, compression level 6 takes much less time than, say, compression level 9 and usually gives virtually the same result, thus, it is usually more effective than 9.

Parameter type:Number
Default value:6
Possible values:0, 1..9 where 9 is best but slowest compression level type.

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Description:LicenseServer parameter defines a license server where AppServer will call when its license expired asking for a new license.
Parameter type:String
Default value:
Possible values:Server host:port which is used as a license server.

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Description:LicenseWarning parameter sets a time interval before the license expiration after which AppServer attempts to request a new license.
Parameter type:Time
Default value:0.0:5:0
Possible values:days.hours:minutes:seconds

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NEW | 5.4.X

Description:LicenseTicket is a license used for the activation of WebSpellChecker Server package.
Parameter type:String
Default value:N/A
Possible values:A string of 15 characters

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NEW | 5.4.X


LicenseServerLink is an address link of WebSpellChecker licensing service. This address is built into the AppServer and is used to request a license from the server.

Leave the tag empty if only you are not provided alternative link to licensing service.

Parameter type:String
Default value:None
Possible values:Provided with installation instructions and should not be modified.

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NEW | 5.5.9

Description:AutoLicenseReactivation enables the automatic license reactivation attempts before its expiration date.
Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:true
Possible values:
  • true - enable an automatic license reactivation
  • false - disable the license reactivation

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NEW | 5.4.X

EnableFloatingLicensing specifies if the floating license mechanism is enabled for a particular WebSpellChecker AppServer. For details, refer to Floating License description
Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:false
Possible values:
  • true
  • false

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NEW | 5.4.X


FloatingLicenseServer parameter defines the address, host or domain name, and port number of the License Server which issues a license. It also validates the request from a WebSpellChecker Server App whether to provide a license or not.

The default port number for a License Server is 2881. 

Parameter type:String
Default value:
Possible values:host_name:port

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NEW | 5.4.X

EnableLicenseSSL parameter allows to enable a secure connection between WebSpellChecker Server App and a License Server.

If you have enabled SSL during the WebSpellChecker installation process, specify this option as ‘true’.

Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:false
Possible values:
  • true
  • false

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NEW | 5.4.X

LicenseTLSVersion parameter specifies the Transport Layer Security (TLS) version.
Parameter type:String
Default value:TLSV1_2
Possible values:TLSV1, TLSV1_1, TLSV1_2

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MinRestartInterval parameters sets a minimal interval value in seconds between restarts of the second cascade process. Before starting a new process, a process thread will check the time when the replaceable process has started and failed. If the time from start to failure doesn't exceed the minimal interval value, a new process thread will wait until it is reached and then start a new process. Such an approach helps to avoid an endless loop of starting processes that might cause nearly 100% CPU consumption.

Parameter type:Number
Default value:10
Possible values:1..60

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Description:CascadeSize parameter defines a number of processes in the second cascade that will be running simultaneously. The monitoring process will try to keep the number of processes in the second cascade constant regardless any failures in the processes.
Parameter type:Number
Default value:2
Possible values:


It is suggested not to have more than 3 processes in the second cascade.


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WaitShutdownInterval parameter sets a time interval value in seconds for the second child process to wait before it will be shut down gracefully. If the process is not shutting down during this period of time, it is allowed to terminate it.

Parameter type:Number
Default value:60
Possible values:


It is suggested to keep the default value provided.


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CheckTimeout parameter sets a timeout interval value in seconds between sequential check calls to the active process in the second cascade.

Parameter type:Number
Default value:5
Possible values:1..5

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WaitResponseTimeout parameter sets a timeout interval value in seconds for the controlling process to wait for a response from a child process. If no response within the specified time, the controlling process will decide that a child process hang up and start termination of all child processes one-by-one.

Parameter type:Number
Default value:60
Possible values:10..600

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Description:InitialPause parameter sets a pause value in seconds when to begin monitoring processes which are starting.
Parameter type:Number
Default value:20
Possible values:1..60

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The description of all the available parameters for log(s) files.


Description:Size parameter defines the maximum size of the AppServerX.log file in kilobytes. If the maximum size is reached, a new log file will be created and the previous one will be saved with an appropriate time stamp (log rotation).
Parameter type:Number
Default value:10000
Possible values:1..2*106, where 2*10 is 2GB.

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UPD | 5.0.0

Description:PrioritizationLevel parameter sets a log level for notifications that will be recorded in the log file. 
Parameter type:String
Default value:information
Possible values:
  • none – no logs' information will be recorded to the log file;
  • fatal
  • critical – very severe error events that will presumably lead the application to abort;
  • error – error events that might still allow the application to continue running;
  • warning
  • notice
  • information – important information that should be logged under normal conditions such as successful initialization, services starting and stopping etc.;
  • debug – fine-grained informational events that are most useful to debug an application;
  • trace – more detailed code debugging information.

The log levels are ordered by their priority from the highest to the lowest accordingly. For example, if the default value for PrioritizationLevel is set to “information” then not only information notifications will be recorded in the log file but also notifications from its all the preceding log levels such as notice, warning, error, critical and fatal.


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UPD | 5.0.0

Description:Subsystems parameter defines for which subsystems of AppServer the logging will be performed.
Parameter type:Array
Default value:all
Possible values:
  • all – all log messages from all subsystems;
  • general – log messages about the state of AppServer, spellcheck, grammar, thesaurus, languages, dictionaries, etc.
  • threadpool – log messages related to managing of threads;
  • licensing – log messages related to licensing;
  • failsafe – log messages about fail safety subsystem; 
  • selector – log messages from a listening thread;
  • responder – log messages from a sender thread.

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SaveRequestStatistic parameter regulates whether the service usage statistics should be logged. 

The usage statistics information is the general information about date and time of a request, domain, service ID, N of a session, type of command (spellcheck, grammar_check, get_suggestions and etc), user agent, language, look&feel.

This type of the information might be useful if there is a need to monitor usage statistics of the  WebSpellChecker services.

Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:OFF
Possible values:ON, OFF

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NEW | 5.4.X

CacheSize parameter defines a number of misspellings and their suggestions to be cached in RAM.
Parameter type:Number
Default value:150000
Possible values:

Between 0 and any desired number. 

The number depends on desired RAM usage. Consider the following requirement: 10 MB for cache must be enabled on Server (for 10 000 suggestions). The rough calculation here is 1 misspelling and its suggestions equals 100 bytes. The more misspellings and their suggestions are added to cache, the more RAM will be required.

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NEW | 5.4.X

CacheSavePath parameter specifies either a full or relative path to a file which will be used for periodic dumping of the cache content. This file will be created if it doesn't exist, or overwritten if it does.

To enable this option, make sure that AppServerX processes have write permissions to that file.

Parameter type:String
Default value:None
Possible values:Full or relative path to a file on a server.

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NEW | 5.4.X

CacheLoadPath specifies either a full or relative path to a cache dump file which will be loaded into cache at the first spellcheck request to the server.
Parameter type:String
Default value:None
Possible values:Full or relative path to a file on a server.

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NEW | 5.4.X

Each time the server encounters the number of misspellings specified in CacheSaveInterval parameter setting, the cache is dumped onto disk to the file you have specified in CacheLoadPath parameter.
Parameter type:Number
Default value:0
Possible values:
  • 0 –  the cache dumping is turned off. In this case, the cache will be reset each time your restart AppServer.
  • Any number of misspellings

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Description:MaxErrorsPercentToSuggest parameter defines a percent (%) of misspelled words that will be processed by the engine and suggestions will be provided for.
Parameter type:Number
Default value:100
Possible values:1..100

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Description:MinQueryLengthToSkipSuggest parameter sets the minimum number of words in a request which will be processed. This parameter is related to MaxErrorsPercentToSuggest.
Parameter type:Number
Default value:11
Possible values:2..Nm

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Description:SimpleCacheSize parameter defines a number of suggestions that will be cached in the memory (RAM).
Parameter type:Number
Default value:10000
Possible values:0..Nm, where Nm is a number of suggestions stored in the cache. Depending on the RAM size this value may vary from 1,000 to 10,000+.

This parameter is disabled by default due to the сustom dictionary functionality. It can be enabled if the custom dictionary functionality is not used or the same for all users. It is available for all languages including default and additional ones. This is a recommended parameter for the Server version of the application.


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SuggestDepth parameter controls the depth and therefore the processing time of the engine to look for and generate proper suggestions.

Parameter type:Number
Default value:80
Possible values:


The depth ranges from 0 which stands for the fastest processing time with least relevant suggestions to 100 which stands for the slowest processing time with the most relevant suggestions. Thus, if the processing time is not a problem, you can set 100 get the best set of suggestions for a misspelled word.

For languages with huge wordlists, over several million, such as Brazilian Portuguese or German, it is highly recommended to set the SuggestDepth parameter default value to 30-50. This will help to improve the overall system performance without tangible losses of suggestions quality. 


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UPD | 5.0.0

Description:MaxSuggestions parameter sets a maximum number of suggestions for each misspelled word that will be determined by the engine.
Parameter type:Number
Default value:3
Possible values:0-8

The overall system performance might be affected if the MaxSuggestion value is much higher than a given default value. The more suggestions the system is required to provide, the more time will be needed to process the text, detect errors and provide suggestions accordingly.


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SSCELock parameter regulates when SSCE spell checking engine should be running in a single thread instead of using multiply threads. 

Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:OFF
Possible values:


It is recommended to have SSCELock parameter disabled to allow the engine process requests in multiply threads. Enabling this parameter might lead to significant performance degradation. 


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SSCE (SpellCheck Engine Options)



AllowAccentedCaps parameter determines whether capital letters words containing accents should be accepted “correct” or considered as misspelled ones.

Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:1
Possible values:
  • 0 – words containing accented capitals are considered misspelled;
  • 1 – capital letters words containing accents are considered as correct ones.

If the default spell checking language is French or Canadian French, AllowAccentedCaps should be set to 0. For other cases, it is recommended to keep AllowAccentedCaps set to 1. Otherwise, with 0, you might experience slight performance degradation.


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Description:IgnoreCappedWord parameter defines whether words which start from a capital letter should be ignored or checked for any spelling errors. 
Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:0
Possible values:
  • 0 – words which start from a capital letter are checked for spelling errors;
  • 1 – words which start from a capital letter are ignored.

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Description:IgnoreAllCapsWord parameters defines whether capitalized words, all letters are capital, should be ignored or checked for any spelling errors. 
Parameter Type:Boolean
Default value:0
Possible values:
  • 0 – all caps words are checked for spelling errors;
  • 1 – all caps words are ignored.

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IgnoreDomainNames parameter regulates whether to ignore domain names and web addresses or not. The words are considered to be domain names if they contain at least one “dot” (“.”) and at least two alpha-numeric characters in a row.

Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:0
Possible values:
  • 0 – domain names and web addresses are checked for spelling errors;
  • 1 – domain names and web addresses are ignored.

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IgnoreHtmlMarkups parameter regulates whether the text that is a part of HTML markup should be checked for spelling errors or ignored.

Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:0
Possible values:
  • 0 – HTML tags and content surrounded by start and end tags are checked for spelling errors;
  • 1 – HTML tags are ignored and only the content surrounded by start and end tags is checked for spelling errors. Any text surrounded by angle brackets (<...>) or the text following an ampersand (&) until a semicolon (;) will be ignored.

In the code sample below, with the default value set to 1, the text that will be checked for any spelling errors is “Check your grammar and spelling mistakes as you types.”. The text surrounded by angle brackets will be ignored:<div class="text-container" id="scayt-div" contenteditable="true"> , <h3>, </h3> and</div>.

<div class="text-container" id="scayt-div" contenteditable="true"> 
     <h3>Check your grammar and spelling mistakes as you types.</h3>

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Description:IgnoreMixedCase parameter regulates whether words containing mixed case letters (CamelCase) should be ignored.
Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:0
Possible values:
  • 0 – words with mixed case letters are checked for spelling errors.
  • 1 – words with mixed case letters are ignored.

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Description:IgnoreMixedDigits parameter regulates whether words containing digits should be ignored.
Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:0
Possible values:
  • 0 words with numbers are checked for spelling errors;
  • 1 words with numbers are ignored and determined as correct.

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Description:IgnoreNonAlphaWord parameter regulates whether words containing no alphabetic characters should be ignored.
Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:1
Possible values:
  • 0 – words containing no alphabetic characters are checked for spelling errors.
  • 1 – words containing no alphabetic characters are ignored. For example, “991” is ignored.

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Description:ReportMixedCase parameter regulates whether words with the mixed case should be reported.
Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:0
Possible values:
  • 0 – words containing mixed case letters are reported;
  • 1 – words containing mixed case letters are ignored.

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Description:ReportDoubledWord parameter regulates whether two occurrences of the same word in a row should be reported.
Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:0
Possible values:
  • 0 – doubled words are not reported;
  • 1 – doubled words are reported.

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Description:ReportMixedDigits parameter regulates whether words containing a combination of letters and digits should be reported.
Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:1
Possible values:
  • 0 – words containing a combination of letters and digits are not reported.
  • 1 – words containing a combination of letters and digits are reported.

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Description:ReportUncapped parameter regulates whether uncapitalized words which are present in the dictionaries in capitalized form only should be reported.
Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:1
Possible values:
  • 0 – words containing no alphabetic characters are checked for spelling errors.
  • 1 – uncapitalized words which are present in the dictionaries in capitalized form only are reported. For example, “ukraine” is reported.

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Description:CaseSensitive parameter regulates whether words with different letter-case patterns should be treated as different words.
Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:1
Possible values:
  • 0 – words containing different case patterns are treated as identical. Example: “American” and “american” are identical words.
  • 1 – words containing different case patterns are treated as two separate words.

Setting the default value to 0 will degrade system performance.


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Description:SplitHyphenatedWords parameter regulates whether hyphens (“-”) should be treated as words separators where each sub-word is checked individually.
Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:1
Possible values:
  • 0 – hyphenated words are checked as single words.
  • 1 – hyphens are treated as word separators, and each sub-word is checked individually. This type of words splitting takes place only if the hyphenated form of the word does not exist. The word is considered to be correct if all its sub-words are spelled correctly.

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Description:SplitContractedWords parameter regulates whether apostrophes should if necessary be treated as word separators, and each sub-word is checked individually.
Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:0
Possible values:
  • 0 – words with apostrophes are checked as single words.
  • 1 – apostrophes are treated as words separators, and each sub-word checked individually. This word splitting will take place if the contracted form of the word is not found in the dictionary. In this case, the word will be considered as a correct if all its sub-words are spelled correctly.

SplitContractedWords option is intended for use with the languages which allow ad hoc contractions (e.g. French, Italian).


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Description:SplitWords parameter regulates whether words if necessary should be treated as series of concatenated sub-words, and each sub-word is checked individually.
Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:0
Possible values:
  • 0 – words are checked entirely for spelling errors.
  • 1 – words if necessary are treated as series of concatenated sub-words, and each of their sub-words is checked individually. Such words splitting takes place only if the original word is not found in the dictionary. In this case, the word will be considered as a correct, if all its words containing two or more words are spelled correctly. For example, “dumptruckdriver” was not found in the dictionary, the engine makes an attempt to locate its valid sub-words (“dump”, “truck”, and “driver”). If all its sub-words are correctly spelled, then the word “dumptruckdriver” will be considered as a correct one.

SplitWords option is intended for the use with languages which allow ad hoc concatenation of words (e.g. German, Finish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian Bokmal).


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Description:StripPossessives parameter regulates whether possessive words endings 's and s' should be removed from the words before check spelling.
Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:1
Possible values:
  • 0 – possessive words forms are checked for spelling.
  • 1 – possessives of the form 's and s' are removed from words before check spelling.

By default, the main language dictionaries do not contain possessive forms of words. Thus, it is highly recommended to have the StripPossessives parameter enabled.


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Description:SuggestPhonetic parameter regulates whether corrections for misspelled words should be searched and suggested based on the phonetic (sounds-like) similarity. 
Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:0
Possible values:
  • 0 corrections are not search based on the phonetic similarity.
  • 1  corrections for misspellings are searched and suggested based on the phonetic similarity.

The SuggestPhonetic and SuggestTypographical parameters are interconnected. Only one of these parameters can be enabled at a time. The typographical suggestions are enabled by default and have higher priority over phonetic suggestions. Thus, if you prefer to have suggestions given based on the phonetic similarity, you need to turn off typographical suggestions.


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Description:SuggestTypographical parameter regulates whether corrections for misspelled words should be searched and suggested based on the typographical similarity.
Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:1
Possible values:
  • 0 – corrections are not search based on the typographical similarity.
  • 1 – corrections for misspellings are searched and suggested based on the typographical similarity.

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Description:SuggestSplitWords parameter regulates whether the engine should attempt to split suggested words into two valid sub-words.
Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:1
Possible values:
  • 0 – slit words are not suggested.
  • 1 – suggested words can be split into two valid sub-words. For example, “theboy”, one of its suggestions will be “the boy”.

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UPD | 5.0.0


GrammarCheckProvider parameter sets a default grammar engine provider.

Parameter type:String
Default value:langtool
Possible values:langtool, atd, mixed

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NEW | 5.0.0


PathToJavaVirtualMachine parameter sets a path to Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Parameter type:String
Default value:


AppServer will try to autodetect the path to JVM.

Possible values:
  • Path to JVM on Linux-based environments: '/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/amd64/server/'
  • Path to JVM on Windows-based environments: 'C:/Program Files/Java/jre1.8.0_121/bin/server/jvm.dll'

At least Java 8 is required for use of LanguageTool grammar engine.


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NEW | 5.0.0


JVMMaxMemorySizeMb parameter sets a maximum heap size in megabytes for LanguageTool in Java Virtual Machine (JVM). 

Parameter type:Number
Default value:


Possible values:


  • 64MB is the minimum possible size that can be used by LanguageTool in JVM but for a single language (e.g. English grammar checking).
  • Nm value will be higher as more grammar languages will be enabled. The maximum allowed value directly depends on the available RAM. In general, 512MB will be sufficient for LanguageTool in JVM for all supported grammar languages. 

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NEW | 5.6.3

Description:PathToNgramData parameter defines a path to an unzipped folder with n-gram data sets. It is used to improve grammar quality by detecting errors with words that are often confused.
Parameter type:String
Default value:None
Possible values:

Full or relative path to folder on a server with unzipped n-gram data sets.




Description:MixedProvider tag is used to define several grammar engine providers and determine special rules for each engine to process certain grammar problems.
Parameter type:String
Default value:None

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Description:ATDProvider parameter defines an address of the external After the Deadline (ATD) grammar engine that can be used for grammar checking requests processing in a bundle with WebSpellChecker.
Parameter type:String
Default value:localhost:1049
Possible values:ATD server's host:port

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GrammarIgnoreDictFile parameters sets a path to a special file with list of grammar problems IDs comma separated that should be ignored.

Parameter type:String
Default value:grammar_ignore.txt
Possible values:Path to a custom directory with a special file *.txt file with grammar rules to ignore.

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Description:ThesaurusProvider parameter specifies a provider of a Thesaurus engine that will be used for the Thesaurus tool functionality.
Parameter type:String
Default value:ssce
Possible values:N/A

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UPD | 5.0.0

Description:LangDictDir parameter defines a path to the directory with available default language dictionaries.
Parameter type:String
Default value:LanguageDictionaries
Possible values:Path to a custom directory with language dictionaries.

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Description:SCNCDictionaryFolders parameter defines a name of the directory where language dictionaries of the SCNC engine will be stored.
Parameter type:String
Default value:dicts
Possible values:Path to a custom directory with language dictionaries used by the SCNC spellcheck engine.

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UPD | 5.0.0

Description:UserDictDir parameter defines a path to the directory where all created personal user dictionaries will be stored.
Parameter type:String
Default value:UserDictionaries
Possible values:Path to a custom directory with user dictionaries files.

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NEW | 5.4.X


EnableUserDictServer parameter defines if the Server for personal User Dictionaries is enabled. 

User Dictionary Server allows to share personal user dictionaries between several WebSpellChecker Servers. You may find it useful if you have several WebSpellChecker Servers under a Load Balancer. For details, refer to Architecture diagram description.

Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:false
Possible values:
  • true
  • false

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UPD | 5.0.0

Description:UserDictServers parameter defines a path to a remote server where user dictionaries should be stored and where to send the user dictionary requests accordingly.
Parameter type:String
Default value:localhost
Possible values:host:port

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UPD | 5.0.0

UserDictServerAddress specifies the address, host or domain name, and port number, where the User Dictionary Server is located. This is a shared location for all dictionary files. 

Leave the tag empty if only you are not provided alternative link to licensing service. The default port number for a User Dictionary Server is 2882.

Parameter type:String
Default value:
Possible values:host_name:port

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Description:UDSeparationByCIDEnabled parameter enables user dictionaries separation by customer ID in the UserDict directory.
Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:1
Possible values:
  • 0 – user dictionaries separation is disabled.
  • 1 – user dictionaries separation is enabled. A new sub-directory will be created for each customer ID in the UserDict directory.

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Description:PathToMainCIDFile parameter defines a path to the main file with customer IDs.
Parameter type:String
Default value:main_cid.ini
Possible values:


The parameter joins several customer IDs. Values: path to .ini file. Content of .ini file for a customer that has 3 customer IDs: customerid maincid short_CID_1 short_CID_3 short_CID_2 sort_CID_3.


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UPD | 5.0.0

Description:CustDictDir parameter defines a path to the directory where all created custom dictionaries will be stored.
Parameter type:String
Default value:CustomDictionaries
Possible values:Path to a custom directory with custom dictionaries files.

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UPD | 5.0.0

Description:CustDictConfig parameter defines a path to a configuration *.xml file which will be used for storing records about created custom dictionaries. 
Parameter type:String
Default value:CustDictConfig.xml
Possible values:Path to a custom directory with *.xml file.

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UPD | 5.0.0

Description:CustDictReloadOnFly parameter defines whether custom dictionaries should be reloaded automatically “on the fly” upon any changes.
Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:ON
Possible values:

ON – custom dictionaries are reloaded.

OFF – custom dictionaries are not reloaded automatically.


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NEW | 5.4.X

EnableRequestStatistic parameter enables or disables saving of request statistics.
Parameter type:String
Default value:false
Possible values:
  • true
  • false

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NEW | 5.4.X

RequestStatisticDataType determines what kind of storage will be used to store request statistics data.
Parameter type:String
Default value:File
Possible values:
  • File - for saving the statistical information to a file. When choosing this option, you need to specify the  path to a file using the RequestStatisticFilePath parameter.
  • Database - for saving the statistical information to a database. When choosing this option, you need to perform database setup and its configuration. 

Contact [email protected] for more details on setting the database.


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NEW | 5.4.X

Description:RequestStatisticFilePath parameter sets a path to a *.log file with requests statistics. 
Parameter type:String
Default value:Logs/RequestStatistic.log
Possible values:Path to a log file with requests statistics.

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NEW | 5.4.X


RequestStatisticPeriodToSave can be used only for database as RequestStatisticOutput. Statistical data is stored into the database each RequestStatisticPeriodToSave seconds.

This parameter is applicable only if RequestStatisticDataType is set as a Database.

Parameter type:Number
Default value:600
Possible values:


For example, 600 means the statistical data is saved once in 600 seconds.


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NEW | 5.5.8

Description:MaxApiRequestSize parameter sets the maximum size of the API request body in bytes.
Parameter type:Number
Default value:


Possible values:
  • A number value in bytes more than 0. If you set too small value the common service requests from the products will fail. Too big value will result in the drastic performance issues.

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Description:Language parameter defines a language ID, alias, and its options.
Parameter type:String
Default value:en_US
Possible values:
<Language Id="en_US">		

Besides, each language tag can have a list of sub-tags which allows defining additional language configuration specific to a particular language.

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Description:Alias parameter sets an alias, a language short name, which can be used when calling a language.
Parameter type:String
Default value:N/A
Possible values:Any string associated with a particular language, e.g. alias name for American English is “am”.
<Language Id="en_US">

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GrammarCheckProvider parameter sets a default grammar engine provider.

Parameter type:String
Default value:langtool
Possible values:langtool, atd, mixed

<Language Id="en_US"> 

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Description:GrammarCheckProviderOptions defines grammar engine options, such as a language.
Parameter type:String
Default value:N/A
Possible values:language=en
<Language Id="en_US"> 

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SpellCheckProvider specifies an engine used to check the spelling for the selected language.
Parameter type:String
Default value:ssce
Possible values:
  • ssce
  • enchant
  • scnc

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ThesaurusEnabled specifies if the thesaurus functionality is enabled for the currently used language.
Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:false
Possible values:
  • true for enabled thesaurus
  • false for disabled thesaurus

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NEW | 5.6.3


EnableNgramData parameter allows to enable n-gram data sets for a specific language. This option is available for the English, German, French, Spanish, and Dutch languages. Should be specified after <LanguageId="xx_XX">.

To use n-gram data sets, the PathToNgramData parameter also must be defined.
Parameter type:Boolean
Default value:None / There is no such parameter in AppServerX.xml
Possible values:
  • true
  • false

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SpellEngineOptions parameter defines spell check engine options that should be applied for a specific language. Any of the parameters “options” described in SpellCheck Engine Options can be predefined for each language.

Description:SpellEngineOptions parameter defines spell check engine options that should be applied to a specific language.
Possible sub-tags:
	<Dictionary FullPath="ssceam2.clx">
	<Dictionary FullPath="ssceam2s.clx">
	<Dictionary FullPath="keywords.clx"/>
	<Dictionary FullPath="ssceam.tlx"/>

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