To avoid exposing an additional port, AppServer port 2880, you can configure Apache HTTP Server to act as a reverse proxy.
1. Enable mod_proxy and mod_proxy_http modules using a2enmod script within Apache configuration.
a2enmod proxy a2enmod proxy_http
2. Find and open for editing WebSpellChecker config (2_WebInterface.conf) for Apache.
- File location on Linux-based environments: /etc/apache2/conf-available/2_WebInterface.conf
/etc/apache2/conf-available# nano 2_WebInterface.conf
3. At the very top or end of the file, add ProxyPass with the path to the application server (AppServer).
ProxyPass "/wscservice/api" "http://localhost:2880" ...
4. Save file and restart Apache.
service apache2 restart
5. In your browser, check version and status of the AppServer to verify if it works properly.
Check the version: https://localhost/wscservice/api?cmd=ver Check the status: https://localhost/wscservice/api?cmd=status Or in terminal using wget or curl commands. Since AppServer responds in json, it's better to use curl as wget will suggest downloading a file./opt/WSC# curl https://localhost/wscservice/api?cmd=status --insecure
"SpellCheckEngine": {
"active": true
"GrammarCheckEngine": {
"active": true
"ThesaurusEngine": {
"active": true