This guide outlines the main steps to initialize WProofreader in HTML editable elements such as <input> and <textarea>, and HTML contenteditable elements such as <div><iframe> and etc. All the steps described are provided for the Cloud version of WProofreader.

WProofreader add-on for rich text editors enables grammar and spell check, combining spelling and grammar suggestions while you type or work with your text in a floating dialog. 

Its auto-searching feature enables detecting new editable fields on the page and proofreading the text they contain automatically on hover selection. No additional actions or plugins are required for enabling WProofreader in a specific WYSIWYG editor or HTML editable element. A single configuration applies to almost all editors and controls. Here is the list of WProofreader supported integrations

1. Obtain activation key

Sign up for the trial version to get started with WProofreader Cloud. Once you have subscribed, you will receive an email with your service ID, an activation key, required for the WProofreader service activation.

If you already have one, you can skip this step.

2. Add WProofreader script

Add the wscbundle.js script on your web page.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

3. Initialize WProofreader

The next step is to initialize the WProofreader functionality for the selected elements and define the required parameters. Below you will find examples of initialization in contenteditable elements such <div> and <iframe> and editable elements such as <input> and<textarea>.

The required parameter for the Cloud WProofreader service activation is serviceId. You must pass your service ID value received on the subscription to access the WProofreader services.

serviceId: 'your-service-ID'

3.1. Contenteditable DIV element

Initialize WProofreader in contenteditable <div> element using either imperative or declarative notation as it is shown in the examples below.

WProofreader (Imperative Notation):
<div contenteditable id="container1">
This sampl text is aimed at demonstrating the work of WProofreader in a contenteditable div element. WProofreader will find all your speling and grammar mistakes as you type and suggest how to correct them. Type your text here or use this one too see an few of of the problems that WProofreader will recognized. click the underlined words and phras to see the suggestion options for correction.
    var instance1 = WEBSPELLCHECKER.init({
        container: document.getElementById("container1"),
        autoStartup: true,
        lang: 'en_US',
		serviceId: 'your-service-ID'
WProofreader (Declarative Notation):
<div contenteditable id="container2" data-wsc-autocreate="true" data-wsc-lang="en_US">
This sampl text is aimed at demonstrating the work of WProofreader in a plain textarea element. WProofreader will find all your speling and grammar mistakes as you type and suggest how to correct them. Type your text here or use this one too see an few of of the problems that WProofreader will recognized. click the underlined words and phras to see the suggestion options for correction.

    window.WEBSPELLCHECKER_CONFIG = {      
        serviceId: 'your-service-ID'

3.2. Contenteditable IFRAME element

Initialize WProofreader in contenteditable <iframe> element using either imperative or declarative notation as it is shown in the examples below.

WProofreader (Imperative Notation):
<iframe id="container3" src="editable_doc.html"></iframe>
    var instance3 = WEBSPELLCHECKER.init({
        container: document.getElementById("container3"),
        autoStartup: true,
        lang: 'en_US',
        serviceId: 'your-service-ID'
WProofreader (Declarative Notation):
<iframe id="container4" data-wsc-autocreate="true" data-wsc-lang="en_US" src="editable_doc.html"></iframe>

        serviceId: 'your-service-ID'

Editable_doc.html example:
        <title>WProofreader for Editable Controls</title>
    <body contenteditable>This sampl text is aimed at demonstrating the work of WProofreader in a iframe element. WProofreader will find all your speling and grammar mistakes as you type and suggest how to correct them. Type your text here or use this one too see an few of of the problems that WProofreader will recognized. click the underlined words and phras to see the suggestion options for correction.

3.3. INPUT element

Initialize WProofreader in <input> element using either imperative or declarative notation as it is shown in the examples below.

WProofreader (Imperative Notation):
<input id="container5" type="text" value="This sampl text is aimed at demonstrating the work of WProofreader in a input textform element. WProofreader will find all your speling and grammar mistakes as you type and suggest how to correct them. Type your text here or use this one too see an few of of the problems that WProofreader will recognized. click the underlined words and phras to see the suggestion options for correction.">

	var instance5 = WEBSPELLCHECKER.init({
	container: document.getElementById("container5"),
	autoStartup: true,
	lang: 'en_US',
	serviceId: 'your-service-ID'
WProofreader (Declarative Notation):
<input id="container6" data-wsc-autocreate="true" data-wsc-lang="en_US" type="text" value="This sampl text is aimed at demonstrating the work of WProofreader in a input textform element. WProofreader will find all your speling and grammar mistakes as you type and suggest how to correct them. Type your text here or use this one too see an few of of the problems that WProofreader will recognized. click the underlined words and phras to see the suggestion options for correction.">

	serviceId: 'your-service-ID'

3.4. TEXTAREA element

Initialize WProofreader in <textarea> element using either imperative or declarative notation as it is shown in the examples below.

WProofreader (Imperative Notation):
<textarea id="container7" type="text">This sampl text is aimed at demonstrating the work of WProofreader in a textarea textform element. WProofreader will find all your speling and grammar mistakes as you type and suggest how to correct them. Type your text here or use this one too see an few of of the problems that WProofreader will recognized. click the underlined words and phras to see the suggestion options for correction.
	var instance7 = WEBSPELLCHECKER.init({
	container: document.getElementById("container7"),
	autoStartup: true,
	lang: 'en_US',
	serviceId: 'your-service-ID'
WProofreader (Declarative Notation):
<textarea id="container8" data-wsc-autocreate="true" data-wsc-lang="en_US" type="text">This sampl text is aimed at demonstrating the work of WProofreader in a textarea textform element. WProofreader will find all your speling and grammar mistakes as you type and suggest how to correct them. Type your text here or use this one too see an few of of the problems that WProofreader will recognized. click the underlined words and phras to see the suggestion options for correction.

	serviceId: 'your-service-ID'

4. Adjust default options

You can adjust the default options for your needsHere is a full list of WProofreader API options and their possible values.

Check a demo page with the WProofreader initialization in <div> element on our website.