Here you can find a list of all available SCAYT parameters for CKEditor 4.0+ that can be used for the SCAYT configuration. Also, you may visit CKEDITOR configuration documentation.
scayt_autoStartup Description: scayt_autoStartup parameter turns SCAYT on/off automatically after the editor loading. Example: true Example: false Example: 3 Example: 3 any positive number Example: scayt_customerId parameter sets a customer ID for Cloud SCAYT. It is required for migration from free, ad-supported version to paid, ad-free version. scayt_customerId is intended for use only with the Cloud version of SCAYT. The free version of SCAYT plugin is shipped with already predefined service ID value. your-service-id Example: scayt_ignoreAllCapsWords parameter regulates whether all capitalized words should be ignored. false Example: scayt_ignoreDomainNames parameter regulates whether domain names and web addresses should be ignored. false Example: scayt_ignoreWordsWithMixedCases parameter regulates whether words with mixed case letters should be ignored. false Example: scayt_ignoreWordsWithNumbers parameter regulates whether words containing numbers should be ignored. false Example: scayt_disableOptionsStorage parameter defines whether SCAYT options storing should be disabled. It is allowed to pass an array of options. ' ' Example: scayt_moreSuggestions parameter enables/disables the “More Suggestions” sub-menu in the context menu. on Example: scayt_contextCommands parameter manages and customizes the SCAYT context menu commands: Add Word, Ignore All, Options, Languages, Dictionaries and About. It is allowed to pass more than one value separating each value with a vertical bar. Options, Languages and Dictionaries items can be added to the SCAYT context menu only if these items are present on the SCAYT settings dialog. The visibility of these items are regulated by the scayt_uiTabs parameter. ignore|ignoreall|add Example: scayt_sLang parameter sets a language short code of the default language that will be used for spell checking. en_US (American English) Example: scayt_uiTabs parameter customizes the SCAYT settings dialog and manages visibility of particular tabs there such as Options, Languages, and Dictionaries. By default, SCAYT settings dialog contains four tabs, namely Options, Languages, Dictionaries, and About. The About tab is used to provide the information about the SCAYT version and copyrights. Unlike Options, Languages, Dictionaries tabs, it can't be removed. 1,1,1 Example: scayt_serviceProtocol parameter specifies a protocol to access the SCAYT service. If this parameter is not specified, the protocol will be automatically defined based on the script location. This is the parameter that intended for us with the Server version only. https Example: scayt_serviceHost parameter specifies a service host name to access the SCAYT service. If this parameter is not specified clearly, the service host will be automatically defined based on the script location. The SCAYT plugin which is shipped with the default CKEditor packages is pointed to the WebSpellChecker Cloud services. scayt_serviceHost is already predefined in the plugin configuration. If you are using the Server version, you need to specify the host name that you used during the installation of WebSpellChecker. Example: scayt_servicePort parameter specifies a service port that will be used to access the SCAYT service. This is the parameter that intended for us with the Server version only. 80 Any available port. Example: scayt_servicePath parameter specifies a path that will be used to access the SCAYT service. /virtual_directory/script/ssrv.fcgi Example: Or scayt_srcUrl parameter specifies a URL to the SCAYT core. scayt_srcUrl is intended for use only with the Server version of SCAYT. http(s)://your_host_name/virtual_directory/wscbundle/wscbundle.js Example: scayt_customDictionaryIds parameter specifies a custom dictionary ID that will be linked with SCAYT. None Example: scayt_userDictionaryName parameter predefines a specific user dictionary that will be used with SCAYT. None Example: scayt_contextMenuItemsOrder parameter defines the order of SCAYT context menu items by groups. This must be a string with one or more of the following words separated by a pipe character ('|'). suggest|moresuggest|control Example: scayt_elementsToIgnore parameter defines HTML tags that will be ignored during check spelling. 'style' Example: scayt_multiLanguageMode parameter turns on/off a special multi-language support mode. scayt_multiLanguageMode parameter was specifically designed to work with a certain language plugin for CKEditor. Before using this parameter, CKEditor Language plugin must be added. false Example: scayt_multiLanguageStyles parameter allows defining additional styles for misspelled words specific for a particular language. scayt_multiLanguageStyles can be used only if the _include_scayt_parameters_for_ckeditor4#scayt_multiLanguageMode parameter is set to “true”. None { All short codes should be presented according ISO 639-1:2002 codes. Example:Parameter type: Boolean Possible values: config.scayt_autoStartup = true;
Description: grayt_autoStartup parameter turns Grammar As You Type (GRAYT) on/off automatically once SCAYT has started. Parameter type: Boolean Default value: Possible values: config.grayt_autoStartup = false;
Description: scayt_inlineModeImmediateMarkup parameter turns the SCAYT initiation on/off when Inline CKEditor is not focused. The SCAYT markup is taken place (SCAYT instance is not destroyed) in both Inline CKEditor's states, focused and unfocused. Parameter type: Boolean Default value: Possible values: config.scayt_inlineModeImmediateMarkup = true;
Description: scayt_maxSuggestions parameter defines the number of SCAYT suggestions to show in the main context menu. Parameter type: Number Default value: Possible values: config.scayt_maxSuggestions = 3;
Description: scayt_minWordLength parameter defines the minimum length of the words that will be collected from editor's text for spell checking. Parameter type: Number Default value: Possible values: config.scayt_minWordLength = 2;
Description: Parameter type: String Default value: Possible values: config.scayt_customerId = 'your-service-id';
Description: Parameter type: Boolean Default value: Possible values: config.scayt_ignoreAllCapsWords = true;
Description: Parameter type: Boolean Default value: Possible values: config.scayt_ignoreDomainNames = true;
Description: Parameter type: Boolean Default value: Possible values: config.scayt_ignoreWordsWithMixedCases = true;
Description: Parameter type: Boolean Default value: Possible values: config.scayt_ignoreWordsWithNumbers = true;
Description: Parameter type: Array Default value: Possible values: config.scayt_disableOptionsStorage = ['lang', 'ignore-all-caps-words', 'ignore-words-with-mixed-cases']];
Description: Parameter type: String Default value: Possible values: on, off config.scayt_moreSuggestions = 'off';
Description: Parameter type: Array Default value: Possible values: //Show only the Add Word and Ignore All commands in the context menu.
config.scayt_contextCommands = 'add|ignoreall';
Description: Parameter type: String Default value: Possible values: //Set the default language to German (de_DE).
config.scayt_sLang = 'de_DE';
Description: Parameter type: Array Default value: Possible values: //Hide the Languages tab.
config.scayt_uiTabs = '1,0,1';
Description: Parameter type: String Default value: Possible values: config.scayt_serviceProtocol='https';
Description: Parameter type: String Default value: Possible values: config.scayt_serviceHost='your_host_name';
Description: Parameter type: String Default value: Possible values: config.scayt_servicePort ='2880';
Description: Parameter type: String Default value: Possible values: config.scayt_servicePath ='virtual_directory/script/ssrv.fcgi';
config.scayt_servicePath ='/';
Description: Parameter type: String Default value: Possible values: config.scayt_srcUrl ='http(s)://your_host_name/virtual_directory/wscbundle/wscbundle.js"';
Description: Parameter type: String Default value: Possible values: IDs of custom dictionaries. config.scayt_customDictionaryIds='3021,3456,3478';
Description: Parameter type: String Default value: Possible values: Any name of a user dictionary. config.scayt_userDictionaryName='user_dictionary_name';
Description: Parameter type: String Default value: Possible values: config.scayt_contextMenuItemsOrder = 'moresuggest|control|suggest';
Description: Parameter type: String Default value: Possible values: Any HTML tag config.scayt_elementsToIgnore='del,pre'';
scayt_multiLanguageMode DEPRECATED | WSC 5.3.2
Description: Parameter type: Boolean Default value: Possible values: config.scayt_multiLanguageMode='true';
scayt_multiLanguageStyles DEPRECATED | WSC 5.3.2
Description: Parameter type: Object Default value: Possible values:
'Language_short_code': 'background-image: none; color: #cc22cc',
'el': 'background-image: none; color: blue',
'nl': 'background-image: none; color: red',
'fi': 'background-image: none; color: indigo',
'fr': 'background-image: none; color: orange',
'de': 'background-image: none; color: green'
};config.scayt_multiLanguageStyles= {'fr': 'color: green'};