WProofreader plugin for CKEditor 5 inherits all the functionality of the WProofreader component with slight adaptation to the view and features of the editor. Right now the plugin is just a “wrapper” for the classic WProofreader. Thus, WProofreader will be more native to CKEditor 5 build procedure. 

The main differences between the plugin and the classic WProofreader are:

  • part of the build and configuration of CKEditor 5;
  • tailored color theme for CKEditor 5 based on previously discussed styles;
  • implemented sync in the case of real-time collaboration features and multi-root plugin;
  • better work of WProofreader as you type mode in the case of multi-root plugin (languages and settings synchronization between instances).

For more details, please refer to the official repo or NPM package of the WProofreader plugin for CKEditor 5.

If your preference is to use the plugin instead of the classic WProofreader initialization, please follow the steps below.

1. Clone CKEditor 5 Classic editor:

git clone -b stable [email protected]:ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic.git

2. Go to the editor folder:

cd ckeditor5-build-classic

3. Install all the required dependencies:

npm  install

4. Install the WProofreader plugin:

npm  install @webspellchecker/wproofreader-ckeditor5 --save-dev

5. Open /src/ckeditor.js file.

6. Import the WProofreader plugin:

import WProofreader from '@webspellchecker/wproofreader-ckeditor5/src/wproofreader';

To add WProofreader in a bundle with CKEditor 5 with TypeScript you need to use the following:


import WProofreader from '@webspellchecker/wproofreader-ckeditor5/src/wproofreader';

7. Add WProofreader plugin to ClassicEditor.builtinPlugins:

ClassicEditor.builtinPlugins = [

8. Add WProofreader toolbar button to ClassicEditor.defaultConfig:

The toolbar button is available starting from version 2.0.0 of the plugin and the general WebSpellChecker package version 5.8.0.

ClassicEditor.defaultConfig = {
    toolbar: {
        items: [

9. Add the wproofreader field and its options to ClassicEditor.defaultConfig:

In the case of the Cloud version, serviceId and srcUrl are mandatory options.

ClassicEditor.defaultConfig = {
    wproofreader: {
		lang: 'en_US', // set the default language
        serviceId: 'your-service-ID', // the activation key for the Cloud-based version only
        srcUrl: 'https://svc.webspellchecker.net/spellcheck31/wscbundle/wscbundle.js'

In the case of the server-based version, you need to clearly define a path to the WebSpellChecker/WProofreader server:

ClassicEditor.defaultConfig = {
    wproofreader: {
		lang: 'en_US', // set the default language
        serviceProtocol: 'https',
		serviceHost: 'your_host_name',
		servicePort: '443',
		servicePath: 'virtual_directory/api',
        srcUrl: 'https://your_host_name/virtual_directory/wscbundle/wscbundle.js'

The full list of configuration options for WProofreader is available in API docs.

10. Rebuild the bundle:

npm run build

That's it. Now you should be able to use the spelling and grammar checking functionality of WProofreader with CKEditor 5.

Try it out on the default sample page: /sample/index.html.