1. Overview

User dictionary is a special feature available for web-based system users where the WebSpellChecker products are integrated. It allows each end user to create personal dictionaries with custom words (complex words, acronyms, proper names, etc.) and use them while working with the system. All the words added to a personal dictionary will not be considered as misspellings, and they will be available in the suggestions list.

2. User-level dictionary user interface

2.1. User dictionary interface in WProofreader

Image 2.1.1. User interface of user-level custom dictionary for WProofreader v3.x.x

2.2. User dictionary interface in SCAYT plugin for CKEditor 4

3. Predefined user dictionary

You have an option to set a predefined User Dictionary on your web app for a particular editable element. With such an approach all the words added using Add word by your end users will be saved and stored in the dictionary that you have previously defined. To do so, specify a required User Dictionary parameter and set your predefined dictionary as a value.

Product Integration

User Dictionary Parameter

SCAYT plugin for CKEditor 4


WSC Dialog plugin for CKEditor 4




Example 3.1. Setting up a predefined user dictionary in WProofreader

        autoSearch: true,
        serviceId: 'your-service-ID',
		userDictionaryName: 'your-user-dictionary-name'
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://svc.webspellchecker.net/spellcheck31/wscbundle/wscbundle.js"></script>

Using disableDictionariesPreferences option you can also hide the section with the dictionary settings to prevent end users from removing or disabling the dictionary (the section is shown below)To do so, add one more option to WProofreader configuration:

        autoSearch: true,
        serviceId: 'your-service-ID',
		userDictionaryName: 'your-user-dictionary-name',
		disableDictionariesPreferences: true
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://svc.webspellchecker.net/spellcheck31/wscbundle/wscbundle.js"></script>

Example 3.2. Setting up a predefined user dictionary in SCAYT plugin for CKEditor 4

CKEditor config.js
config.scayt_customerId: "your-service-ID(activation key)",
config.scayt_autoStartup = true;
config.grayt_autoStartup = true;
config.scayt_sLang ="en_US";

For details and user dictionaries usage tips, refer to User Dictionary FAQ section.